March 26, 2024

How to write opening sentence? 5 templates


Are your email open rates plummeting? Are your subscribers losing interest before they even read your emails? If so, it’s time to revamp your email game with eye-catching opening sentences that grab your readers’ attention from the get-go. In this article, we will explore five powerful opening sentence templates that are guaranteed to boost your email engagement and get your recipients eagerly devouring your content.

Whether you’re a seasoned marketer or just getting started, these templates will help you craft compelling email introductions that intrigue, excite, and entice your readers to keep reading. From asking thought-provoking questions to teasing exclusive offers, we’ll show you how to create openings that make your emails irresistible.

Ready to take your email marketing to the next level? Let’s dive in and discover the secret to capturing your audience’s attention right from the first sentence. Get ready to skyrocket your open rates, increase click-throughs, and achieve measurable results with these five eye-catching opening sentence templates.

The Importance of a Compelling Opening Sentence in Email Marketing

When it comes to email marketing, the first impression is everything. Your opening sentence sets the tone for the rest of your email and determines whether your recipients will continue reading or hit that dreaded delete button. In a crowded inbox, a compelling opening sentence is your golden ticket to standing out and getting noticed.

Think about it – how many times have you opened an email because the subject line caught your attention, only to be disappointed by a lackluster opening sentence? Your readers are no different. They want to be captivated, intrigued, and excited to read what you have to say. That’s why crafting a compelling opening sentence is crucial to the success of your email marketing campaigns.

By using the right opening sentence templates, you can pique curiosity, evoke emotion, and spark interest in your readers. These templates provide a framework for creating introductions that grab attention and compel your recipients to keep reading. So, let’s dive into these five eye-catching opening sentence templates and see how they can transform your email engagement.

Template 1: Ask a Thought-Provoking Question

One of the most effective ways to engage your readers right from the start is by asking them a thought-provoking question. By posing a question that resonates with your target audience, you immediately grab their attention and encourage them to think about the topic at hand.

For example, let’s say you’re a fitness coach promoting a new workout program. Instead of starting your email with a generic introduction, you could begin with a question like, “Are you tired of endless hours at the gym with no results to show for it?” This question taps into the pain point of your audience – the frustration of not seeing progress despite their efforts. It immediately hooks them in and makes them curious about your solution.

When crafting a thought-provoking question, make sure it’s relevant to your audience and aligns with the purpose of your email. The more specific and targeted the question, the better. By asking a question that resonates with your readers’ desires, challenges, or goals, you create an instant connection and set the stage for a compelling email.

Template 2: Share a Surprising Statistic or Fact

Humans are naturally curious creatures, and we love to learn new things. By starting your email with a surprising statistic or fact, you tap into this curiosity and instantly grab your readers’ attention. When presented with an unexpected piece of information, our brains can’t help but perk up and pay attention.

For instance, if you’re a financial advisor writing an email about retirement planning, you could begin with a surprising statistic like, “Did you know that 43% of Americans have less than $10,000 saved for retirement?” This shocking revelation immediately highlights the importance of your topic and makes your readers realize the urgency of taking action.

When using this opening sentence template, make sure the statistic or fact you choose is relevant to your email’s purpose and aligns with your audience’s interests. It should be something that not only surprises but also resonates with them on a personal level. By starting with a surprising statistic or fact, you create a sense of intrigue and set the stage for a compelling email that offers valuable insights or solutions.

Template 3: Use a Powerful Quote or Testimonial

Quotes and testimonials have a powerful impact on our emotions. They can inspire, motivate, and resonate with us on a deep level. By starting your email with a powerful quote or testimonial, you tap into this emotional connection and instantly captivate your readers.

For example, if you’re a life coach promoting a personal development course, you could begin your email with a quote like, “The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today” – Franklin D. Roosevelt. This quote immediately sparks curiosity and creates a sense of possibility and empowerment in your readers’ minds.

Similarly, you could start with a testimonial from a satisfied customer who has achieved remarkable results through your product or service. By sharing a real-life success story, you not only capture your readers’ attention but also establish credibility and build trust.

When using quotes or testimonials, choose ones that are relevant to your email’s theme and resonate with your audience. They should reflect the benefits or transformation your product or service offers and create an emotional connection with your readers.

Template 4: The Intriguing Statistic

Statistics are a powerful way to grab your readers’ attention and pique their curiosity. Start your email with a compelling statistic that relates to your content and sparks interest. For example, “Did you know that 80% of people abandon their shopping carts before completing a purchase?” This opening sentence immediately highlights a common problem and makes the reader wonder why people abandon their carts. By starting with an intriguing statistic, you create a sense of urgency and make your readers want to learn more.

To make this template even more effective, provide additional context or insights about the statistic in the following paragraphs. Explain why the statistic is relevant to your readers and how your email will help them overcome the challenges or take advantage of the opportunities associated with it. By connecting the statistic to your content, you establish credibility and demonstrate the value your email offers.

Template 5: Create curiosity with a teaser or cliffhanger

Sometimes, it’s best to leave your readers wanting more. Begin your email with a teaser or cliffhanger that sparks curiosity and makes them eager to find out what comes next. For example, “Picture this: you’re about to discover a little-known technique that can double your website traffic overnight. But first, let’s talk about the common mistakes that are holding you back.” This opening sentence creates anticipation and sets the stage for the valuable information that will follow.

To maximize the impact of this template, make sure to deliver on the promise of your teaser or cliffhanger in the subsequent paragraphs. Provide the information or insights you hinted at in your opening sentence and explain how they can benefit the reader. By leveraging the power of curiosity, you keep your readers engaged and motivated to continue reading your email.

Testing and optimizing your opening sentences

Crafting compelling opening sentences is an art, and it requires experimentation and optimization. Once you’ve implemented these templates, it’s important to test and analyze the results to see what resonates with your audience. Monitor your email open rates, click-through rates, and overall engagement to identify which opening sentences perform best.

Consider conducting A/B tests by sending two versions of your email with different opening sentences to a segment of your audience. Measure the performance of each version and use the insights to refine your email marketing strategy. Remember, what works for one audience may not work for another, so it’s crucial to tailor your opening sentences to your specific target audience.

Examples of successful email opening sentences

To inspire you in crafting your own eye-catching opening sentences, here are a few examples of successful email introductions:

  1. “Are you tired of endless diets that promise quick results but leave you feeling frustrated and defeated? It’s time to discover a sustainable approach to weight loss that actually works.”
  2. “Imagine waking up every morning feeling energized, focused, and ready to tackle the day ahead. In this email, I’ll share the secrets to optimizing your morning routine for peak performance.”
  3. “As a small business owner, I know how challenging it can be to compete with big corporations. But with the right marketing strategies, you can level the playing field and attract customers like never before.”

Remember, the key to a successful opening sentence is to grab attention, create curiosity, and provide a clear value proposition that makes your readers want to continue reading.

Common mistakes to avoid in email opening sentences

While it’s important to focus on what works, it’s equally important to avoid common mistakes that can hinder your email engagement. Here are a few pitfalls to steer clear of when crafting your opening sentences:

  1. Starting with a generic greeting: Avoid opening sentences like “Dear valued customer” or “To whom it may concern.” Personalize your emails by addressing your readers by name or using a relatable introduction.
  2. Being too vague or ambiguous: Your opening sentence should clearly convey the value or benefit your email offers. Avoid vague statements that leave your readers confused or unsure of what to expect.
  3. Overpromising and underdelivering: While it’s important to grab attention, make sure your opening sentence accurately reflects the content of your email. Overpromising and underdelivering will only lead to disappointment and decreased engagement.

By steering clear of these common mistakes, you can ensure that your opening sentences are compelling, clear, and focused on delivering value to your readers.


Your email’s opening sentence is the gateway to engaging your audience and maximizing your email marketing efforts. By using these five eye-catching opening sentence templates, you can captivate your readers from the start and encourage them to dive into your email content. Remember to test and optimize your opening sentences, personalize your emails, and avoid common mistakes to ensure maximum impact and engagement.

So, why wait? Start crafting irresistible opening sentences today and watch your email engagement soar. Your readers are waiting to be captivated – it’s time to make your emails impossible to resist.